Special Educational Needs

Living Things is dedicated to providing inclusive wildlife experiences for groups with diverse needs and abilities, including SNAP/SEND/SEN/SENDIOG. 

Our experienced Wildlife Presenters create opportunities for children and adults to engage with our animals, transforming disabilities into abilities. We tailor our sessions to meet the specific needs of each group, whether they have multiple and profound learning disabilities, physical and mental disabilities, or are elderly.

We warmly welcome disability groups, care homes, day centres, schools, and individuals seeking unique wildlife encounters.

Our carefully selected animals cater to various sensory and educational needs. For instance, participants can overcome fears and learn in an exciting, educational environment by taking on challenges with our creepy crawlies. They can handle and observe up-close our millipedes, tarantulas, and scorpions. Additionally, interacting with our mammals such as chinchillas, ferrets, and meerkats provides a sensory and therapeutic educational experience.

During our sessions, groups have the opportunity to witness how our animals thrive in the wild and have adapted in their own unique and special ways. For example, they can observe our sugar gliders using their gliding membranes to glide from our volunteers’ back to our presenters, mimicking their behaviour in the wild.

Many of our animals are rehomed or rescued from various backgrounds. Some have been rejected by previous owners, some are born with unique disabilities, and others have overcome behavioural difficulties. We take pride in sharing the backgrounds and stories of our animals, highlighting their different abilities and showing that they are amazingly unique and have gone through their own challenges just like us.

Living Things is committed to providing inclusive experiences that cater to every ability level. Our interactive sessions offer a sensory-rich environment, whether participants are directly interacting with the animals or enjoying the experience as observers.

Did you know that interacting with animals has proven benefits for improving physical and mental well-being and self-confidence? It also fosters teamwork and social skills.

Our experiences go beyond education, providing therapeutic benefits and opportunities for acquiring new skills that have a lasting, positive impact. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where individuals with restricted abilities can thrive in their own unique way.

In many of our sessions, we have witnessed individuals who are initially shy or struggle with communication skills becoming bold and confident. We are humbled by the amazing and positive feedback we receive from previous events, and the difference we make in people’s lives.

If you would like to learn more about our sessions at Living Things At The Burrows or discuss arranging a visit to your establishment, please contact our team. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing your requirements.